
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Meet Twinkle!

Twinkle is a baby cow. She was orphaned when she was just a few days old. Some young people riding around thought that a 'good time' consisted of shooting cows apparently, and Twinkle's mom was one of the victims. The poor thing standing next to her mama not understanding what was going on was just so sad. We adopted her and brought her up to our farm where she had to be bottle fed every day until she got old enough to eat food. She was so shy and afraid at first, but she is just the sweetest little girl now. She acts more like a dog than anything else really. I visited her today and gave her a good chin scratch. Look at those big ears! Ah, gets me every time.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fat Straw

So I know I'm a little late getting into the bubble tea fad... but I just love it! I'm just fascinated by how different the texture of the pearls are. It's pretty weird but it seriously makes me happy. It's so fun to drink! There's a bubble tea place off of Wedgewood Ave in Nashville. It's actually on Villa Place in this really cute strip of shops. It's called Fat Straw and has a fun vibe. I used to always get the original black milk tea, but I ventured out a little bit the other day and got a Thai Mocha. BEST decision. SO good. It's definitely something I'm going to be hooked on. If you are ever in Nashville, check it out! It's a fun alternative to the normal coffee date for sure.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back to school. For the last time.

I was always a little bit of a dork. I loved fall, loved going back to school. It was always so fun for me to go up to the school and find my name on the lists, discovering my teacher and the rest of my classmates for the year. And later, picking out the perfect outfit, running around with my schedule of classes hoping for similarities among friends. I still love it, even though now it's not really any surprise who's in my classes, and I know who teaches what when I sign up. That comes with being at a small art school. I just love the season. Love school supplies. I wish I could go out and buy boxes of crayons, pretty binders. I probably will anyway, because hey, it's my last back-to-school. Ever. So strange. How did it get here so fast?

I've come across a few things lately that I'm loving. Just wanted to share. In case anyone else loves the back-to-school shopping excuse too!

Aren't these elephant measuring cups the cutest!? What a great housewarming present. Or, you know. Maybe it's about time you got new ones, what with all that baking you're going to start doing... find them here.

Ah, the typography nerd is getting the best of me. I love this. Something fresh and different for your wall. And appropriate for school, right? What's more back-to-school than the alphabet??

I am loving this dress from Modcloth. They call it Mojitos on Monday. Which just makes me love it even more!

What's on your back-to-school shopping list?
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